BELONG introduces students to the important role that they play in building inclusive school communities, empowering them with foundational strategies and empathy to combat social exclusion and increase awareness of diverse perspectives.
The big idea: “Each one of us matters, and we all have the power to make everyone feel like they belong.”
1. Students have examined the
idea of 'what's normal?' and
built an understanding of
strength in diversity.
2. Students have built empathy
for those who experience
social exclusion and are
motivated to create a united
and welcoming school
3. Students have demonstrated
allyship through co-designing
strategies to build inclusion
within their school community.
- PROJECT ROCKIT is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
- Our workshops are youth-driven and evidence-based, with all learning outcomes aligned to the Australian Curriculum .
To ensure the most impactful and engaging workshops for your students, all PROJECT ROCKIT workshops require the following essential venue and tech requirements to be met without exception:
Essential venue and tech requirements:
- Large projector or screen with VGA/HDMI input that can be seen clearly by every student
- Adequate sound or speakers provided
- Individual chairs for every student
- Two roaming microphones (only for groups of 80+ students)
- Active staff supervision
Suitable workshop spaces:
- An auditorium or theatre space
- School hall
- Multi-purpose room
- BER building
- Double classroom
Unsuitable workshop spaces:
- Gyms
- Basketball courts
- Shared spaces with noisy thoroughfare
- Spaces where students are seated on the floor
- Outdoor spaces
Please speak to our Bookings Team for the specific requirements of your workshop as there may be additional items for your students to bring. Finally, we strive to make our workshops as accessible and inclusive as possible. Please check out our Diversity Considerations ( here ) ahead of our visit.