Welcome to "Our Collective Voice"
"Our Collective Voice", Project Rockit's very own youth-driven blog is excited to share with you the voices of young people across Australia, and highlight the stories, issues and ideas that matter to them.
"Our Collective Voice", Project Rockit's very own youth-driven blog is excited to share with you the voices of young people across Australia, and highlight the stories, issues and ideas that matter to them.
Project Rockit started with a spark—a passion for change in the world shared by two siblings. Slowly but surely, it grew into a powerful youth-driven movement for positive social change, with young people’s ideas, opinions, values, and stories at the centre.
Enter the National Youth Collective, a diverse group of 43 young people from across Australia shaping the content that affects them. We thought “What if young people got the opportunity to write about the things that concern them?” and there was the same spark of passion; to create an opportunity in publications and media where young people’s voices were not just spoken but spotlighted.
What began as a small idea grew when Dan Donahoo, our Digital Innovation Manager took a chance on this idea, and Our Collective Voice was born. A distinct place for stories, opinions, and calls to action, by young people, for young people. Our Collective Voice is here to empower our future generations to raise their voices and make this world, in however small or large a way, a better place with our acts (and words) of kindness.
As an organisation, we talk so much about the importance of youth voice; this blog is our plan to go beyond promoting it, and actively carve out a space. We’ve already seen a flood of submissions: literary analysis, poetry, editorials, screenplays, stories, and so much more, and we’re so excited to help young people share the messages that matter to them.
- Our Collective Voice, Editorial Team
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