Our Collective Voice

This blog is another part of our youth-driven movement, designed both by and for the emerging voices of our society. We believe in our power, as a collective, to raise our voices, and make this world, in however small or large a way, a better place with our acts (and words) of kindness. We welcome pieces exploring bullying, discussing current events, sharing and celebrating diverse experiences, uplifting impactful works of song/literature/art, presenting new artistic endeavours, calling for change, or commenting on any aspect of life as you live and see it. Through this blog we hope to foster the very kind of society we try to build in our workshops, albeit in a digital setting. We imagine a place where every young person can feel welcome and safe, to explore a broad range of perspectives and, by way of that, their own selves. Join us!

We welcome ongoing submissions by young people across Australia.  Read our guidelines and submit your piece through our submissions form .

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